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A Abegoaria - PrainhaPico, Azores, Portugal

Rates: Land only - Sep to Jun = from $49 - Jul - Aug = $149

This price reflects 2 - 4 guests per room - Additional guests are extra

​Rates are base on availability, type of property and time of year.

This tourist facility can be used with all our packages and combos

The Rural Tourism lodging of A Abegoaria is located in the village of Prainha - Pico Island Azores - Portugal. This charming rustic cottage sits in a quite safe area near a variety of walking trails, close to the coast and the main town of Sao Roque.

This tourist facility consists of 2 rustic cottages, one is a T1 and the other a T2; they offer double or single beds, living room, dining room, full kitchenette, bathroom with shower, patio, terrace ,laundry and barbecue. It is fully furnished and will accomodate up tp 6.

From here you are a 5 kms from the closest town of Sao Roque, 25 kms fom the popular whale watching village of Lajes, and 35kms from the ferry terminalvillage of Madalena.

This lodging also has a variety of nature activities that can be easily arranged.


We know Pico

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